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Why Locate Your Fintech in Crypto Valley, Switzerland

Premier Banking Consultancy > Articles > Bank Holding Company > Why Locate Your Fintech in Crypto Valley, Switzerland

Why Locate Your Fintech in Crypto Valley, Switzerland

Posted by: Christian Reeves
Category: Bank Holding Company, Blockchain, Financial Services Company, Fintech, Swiss, Swiss trust company, Switzerland
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Switzerland’s Crypto Valley, located in the canton of Zug, has emerged as a leading global hub for fintech, financial services, and crypto businesses. With its supportive regulatory environment, innovative ecosystem, and business-friendly atmosphere, Crypto Valley has attracted over 900 companies and continues to grow rapidly. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind Crypto Valley’s popularity and why it is an excellent location for establishing a business in the fintech, financial services, or crypto industries.

Supportive Regulatory Environment:

One of the key factors contributing to Crypto Valley’s success is Switzerland’s forward-thinking approach to regulation. Swiss authorities, such as the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA), have issued clear guidelines for digital assets, Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), and blockchain projects, providing legal certainty and fostering innovation in the industry. This progressive regulatory environment enables businesses to operate with confidence and attracts entrepreneurs seeking a supportive jurisdiction for their ventures.

Innovative Ecosystem and Skilled Workforce:

Crypto Valley is home to a thriving ecosystem of startups, established companies, investors, and support organizations, fostering collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and innovation. Switzerland’s renowned universities and research institutions, such as the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) and the University of Zurich, contribute to cutting-edge technology and cultivate top talent in the blockchain and fintech sectors. Businesses located in Crypto Valley can leverage this skilled workforce and innovative spirit to drive their ventures forward.

Business-friendly Environment:

Switzerland offers a business-friendly environment with low corporate tax rates, high quality of life, and easy access to the European market. These factors make it an attractive destination for international companies and entrepreneurs looking to set up or expand their operations. Additionally, Switzerland’s reputation for financial privacy, stability, and security further enhances its appeal for businesses in the fintech, financial services, and crypto industries.

Strong Financial Infrastructure:

Switzerland’s well-regulated banking system and robust financial infrastructure provide a stable foundation for building and growing a successful business in the fintech industry. Businesses in Crypto Valley can benefit from Switzerland’s strong financial institutions, which offer world-class banking services and support.

Networking and Partnership Opportunities:

With over 900 blockchain and fintech companies in the region, Crypto Valley offers ample networking and partnership opportunities. This diverse and cooperative ecosystem fosters innovation and cooperation among industry players, enabling businesses to expand their reach and grow their operations. Moreover, the presence of influential companies and projects, such as Ethereum, ConsenSys, and the Diem Association (formerly Libra Association), bolsters Crypto Valley’s reputation and draws global attention to the region.

Access to Funding and Investment:

The vibrant ecosystem in Crypto Valley attracts venture capital, angel investors, and other funding sources that are interested in investing in innovative blockchain and fintech projects. Businesses located in Crypto Valley can benefit from this access to funding, which can be crucial for growth and development.

Crypto Valley Association:

The Crypto Valley Association is a non-profit organization that was established in 2017 in the Swiss Canton of Zug. It was formed by a group of entrepreneurs, investors, academic researchers, and other stakeholders who share a common interest in promoting the adoption and development of blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies. The association acts as a hub for this emerging industry, bringing together key players from around the world to network, collaborate, and exchange ideas.

The Association provides a wide range of services and resources to support its members and the broader blockchain community. This includes facilitating partnerships between startups and established businesses, hosting events and meetups, providing education and training programs, and advocating for favorable regulatory policies. The association also offers a number of working groups focused on specific areas of interest within the blockchain space, such as cybersecurity, identity and reputation, and technology standards. Through these initiatives, the Crypto Valley Association is working to position Switzerland as a global leader in blockchain innovation and create a sustainable ecosystem for the long-term growth of the industry.


Crypto Valley, Switzerland, offers a unique combination of a supportive regulatory environment, innovative ecosystem, skilled workforce, business-friendly environment, strong financial infrastructure, and access to funding, making it an excellent location for businesses in the fintech, financial services, or crypto industries. By choosing Crypto Valley as their base of operations, businesses can capitalize on the numerous benefits offered by this global hub of innovation and technology, positioning themselves for long-term success in the rapidly evolving world of finance and technology.

I recommend structuring a Crypto Valley business inside of an aged Swiss Trust. For more on this, see: Aged Swiss Trust for Global Financial Services Company

For more information on setting up a fintech or other business in Switzerland, or an international bank in another jurisdiction, please contact us info@banklicense.pro