August 23, 2019
1) OceanFirst Bank ($8.1B, NJ) will acquire Two River Community Bank ($1.1B, NJ) for $182.8mm in cash (25%) and stock (75%) or 1.74x tangible book.
2) OceanFirst Bank ($8.1B, NJ) will also acquire Country Bank ($762mm, NY) for $102.2mm in stock (100%) or 1.51x tangible book.
3) Opportunity Bank of Montana ($970mm, MT) will acquire Western Bank of Wolf Point ($95mm, MT) for %13mm in cash (50%) and stock (50%) or 1.18x tangible book.
4) Happy State Bank ($3.5B, TX) will acquire First State Bank of Mobeetie ($78mm, TX) for an undisclosed sum.
5) Investment banking firm Stifel Financial Corp ($24.3B, MO) will acquire the municipal underwriting business of George K. Baum & Co. (MO) for an undisclosed sum.
August 27, 2019
1) Forreston State Bank ($215mm, IL) will acquire The Poplar Grove State Bank ($86mm, IL) for an undisclosed sum.
2) ConnectOne Bank ($6.1B, NJ) will acquire Bank of New Jersey ($925mm, NJ) for $113mm in cash (20%) and stock (80%) or 1.22x tangible book.
August 28, 2019
1) Morton Community Bank ($3.9B, IL) will acquire First Trust & Savings Bank of Albany ($183mm, IL) for an undisclosed sum.
2) Newton Federal Bank ($307mm, GA) will acquire Affinity Bank ($308mm, GA) for $40.3mm in cash (100%) or 1.58x tangible book.
3) CorTrust Bank ($894mm, SD) will acquire First Minnesota Bank (352mm, MN) for an undisclosed sum.
4) Wellington State Bank ($385mm, TX) will acquire The First National Bank of Paducah ($44mm, TX) for an undisclosed sum.
5) Capital One ($374B, VA) will acquire M&A advisory services firm KippsDeSanto (VA) for an undisclosed sum. This move boosts Capital One’s advisory business as it expands industry expertise.
6) Indiana Members CU ($2B, IN) will acquire The Commerce Bank ($179mm, IN) for a cash sum (100%) equal to about 1.57x tangible book.
August 30, 2019
1) CBI Bank & Trust ($911mm, IA) will acquire Walcott Trust and Savings Bank ($130mm, IA) for an undisclosed sum.
2) First Midwest Bank ($15.8B, IL) will acquire Park Bank ($950mm, WI) for $195mm in cash and stock or 1.67x tangible book.
September 6, 2019
1) FCN Bank ($455mm, IN) will acquire Dearborn Savings Bank ($126mm, IN) for an undisclosed sum.
2) The Farmers National Bank of Canfield ($2.4B, OH) will acquire Geauga Savings Bank ($278mm, OH) for $39.6mm in cash (50%) and stock (50%) or 1.20x tangible book.
3) Bank Iowa ($1.3B, IA) will acquire First State Bank of Colfax ($64mm, IA) for an undisclosed sum.
September 10, 2019
1) Elevations CU ($2.1B, CO) will acquire Cache Bank and Trust ($122mm, CO) for an undisclosed sum.
September 12, 2019
1) BayVanguard Bank ($300mm, MD) will acquire Madison Bank of Maryland ($147mm, MD) for $31mm in cash (100%).
2) Royal Business Bank ($2.8B, CA) will acquire Pacific Global Bank ($223mm, IL) for $32.5mm in cash (100%).
3) First Federal Bank of the Midwest ($3.3B, OH) will acquire Home Savings Bank ($2.9B, OH) for $473mm in stock (100%).
September 17, 2019
1) First Community Bank ($2.2B, VA) will acquire Highlands Union Bank ($612mm, VA) for $91.0mm in stock (100%) or 1.52x tangible book.
September 20, 2019
1) First Citizens Community Bank ($1.5B, PA) will acquire MidCoast Community Bank ($268mm, DE) for $31mm in cash (25%) and stock (75%) or 1.22x tangible book.
2) Superior National Bank & Trust Co. ($564mm, MI) will acquire Main Street Bank ($284mm, MI) for $42mm in cash (100%).
September 23, 2019
1) Third Coast Bank, SSB ($855mm, TX) will acquire Heritage Bank ($290mm, TX) for an undisclosed sum.
2) BankPlus ($2.9B, MS) will acquire State Bank & Trust Co ($1.2B, MS) for $136.5mm in stock (100%) or 1.64x tangible book.
3) First Financial Bank ($8.0B, TX) will acquire The Bank & Trust of Bryan/College Station ($624mm, TX) for $190mm in stock (100%) or 2.72x tangible book.